• European form archwire.
• Precision engineered and manufactured by G&H in the U.S.A.
• Teeth move farther and faster with lower initial load forces and increased residual forces as full shape recovery progresses.
• Lower load forces of engagement:
Easier wire deflection and delivery to bracket.
Less stress on bonds.
Increased patient comfort.
• Higher residual forces of recovery:
Full shape recovery.
Complete unravelling and archform development.
Stays active to the end – Moves teeth the last 1/2mm.
• Pack of 25.
• Other available options:
Midline Dimple, Preloaded Stops, Pre-Torqued, Triple Force, Reverse Curve and
Tooth-Coloured Ultraesthertic™.
Solo-Pack™ of 10 wires, individually sealed autoclavable archwires per carton.
Variety of archforms.